Cecilia Boyd

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sur la pont...

... d'Avignon

I'm spending Christmas in Avignon, France! 

I found a site for "pet sitting" called nomador.com which is a digital global clearinghouse for bartered pet-sitting. 

Basically X-person lives in Bangkok, has 2 cats, wants to go on vacation from date-A to date-B, and wants his cats well cared for. Z-person lives in Milano, likes cats, and wants to go on vacation to Bangkok from date-A to date-B. X-person and Z-person find each other on nomador.com. They talk, maybe via Skype, and they decide "OK, let's do this!". They make a plan for Z-person to show up at X-person's house. And voila! Instant pet-sitter for X, instant accommodation for Z!

Everybody wins! Then, when it's all over they write reviews for each other on Nomador. Wash, rinse, and repeat!

So, I found a couple near Avignon with 1 one dog and 4 cats, and my American friend Barbie and I are off to France!