going Griswold

Anyone who has seen European Vacation can sympathize with the trials of Americans in roundabouts -- how to get on, how to get off, it's like a horizontal game of jump rope, only with Transformers. "Cinderella, dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss a 'fella..." CRASH! 

Now, Barr is no slouch at roundaboutage. She's lived in Italia 13 years and can park on the sidewalk with the best of 'em. And in normal (read that, American) situations I'm a pretty good navigator if I do say so myself -- and I DO!   

But combine the totally UN-intuitive French signage (what the hell is Toutes Directions (All Directions) vs. Autres Directions (Other Directions)???) with an overabundance of roundabouts, and you've got the recipe for getting lost FAST. And we have. 

So, we went old school... we bought a map... a PAPER map! And it is really no better... about as easy to follow as Canterbury Tales in old English.

And so we've gone Griswold -- going 'round each roundabout at least twice. Once to read all the signs, once to take the correct exit, and others as needed in the middle to consult the paper map. 

At this point I'm considering an outing as successful if we can navigate to and from the sight and arrive home successfully.