Home Away From Home

I jumped off the tram with my address already keyed into Google maps.

I love the convenience of smart app maps, but for some reason (though a genius map-reader usually) I cannot get the groove of those online maps... with the little icon showing which direction your phone is pointing... and I want to be able to turn the phone around, but the display just keeps spinning around as well... arrghhhh! I want to be like Joey and just get in the map! Krakow, baby!

Finally I made it the three blocks to my street, and walked up and down looking for the numbers on the buildings. It's always a challenge to know if the street has even on one side, odd on the other... or if there is some consecutive numbering scheme going on... and in the dark in a quaint side street... almost impossible to read.

But the instructions from my AirBNB host were primo and in no time I was through the two security doors and facing the stairwell.

(Dammit! I always forget to confirm one or the other -- wifi or elevator -- every time!)

The apartment is on 3 (that's Euro 3, US 4) and two of the stone flights were replaced with wooden steps sometime since WWII... and the rails are none too sturdy... but you can still see the original glory of the building in the tilework on the landings.

And the apartment itself is a slice of hipster heaven.